Holsters, mag pouches, mags full of ammo, and pistols. That adds up to a lot of weight being supported by our belts during matches. But sometimes buckles break, belt webbing fails, or the Velcro between the inner and outer belts gets worn out and belts fail to stay put during a stage. This is a rare occurrence, but something we get asked about often enough to be a Question of the Month: The competitor’s belt falls off while shooting the course of fire. What is your call as the RO?
[Read more…] about Wardrobe malfunctionAnother Virginia Count Problem
I don’t dislike Virginia Count. I think it tests a different set of skills. But I do hate when competitors decide to not shoot a Virginia Count stage in a way that violates the stage procedure…because it usually leads to lengthy discussions about how many penalties are needed. Sometimes ROs can’t agree on the number of penalties. Other times they agree on the number, but not the reason. We all need practice, which is why we keep posing Virginia Count questions for the Question of the Month.
[Read more…] about Another Virginia Count ProblemOnline application for Range Master Program
The new online application for the USPSA NROI Range Master Program will be accepting applicants for 2021 starting on November 1st. The Range Master program is a self-study program where a student is paired with a Range Master Instructor who serves as a mentor for the program and the coursework is completed via the NROI online learning system. Practical, hands-on work will also be completed during the program; the details of which will be worked out individually between the student and their mentor.
[Read more…] about Online application for Range Master ProgramBattle belts and thigh straps
One of the things I have observed while at local matches is that many of the new competitors are showing up with a battle belt type of setup. There is nothing wrong with that, but often these rigs run afoul with the rules in a few places and the range officials at the match are not educating the new competitors that their gear is not legal. Here are the common things I have seen and I want to encourage ROs to help teach the new competitors on how to adjust their gear.
[Read more…] about Battle belts and thigh strapsWhen does significant advantage apply?
We have been getting quite a few rules questions in regard to significant advantage, which is great. But, many of the questions involve applying significant advantage for procedural penalties where significant advantage doesn’t apply.
[Read more…] about When does significant advantage apply?Significant Advantage
We have many penalties in our sport and most of them are well defined, but there are a few times where the RO needs to determine the number of penalties based on significant advantage. For the September Question of the Month we posed a question where significant advantage may come into play: After the start signal, the competitor draws and shoots T1-T5 from the start position and then enters shooting area B and shoots the remaining targets. How many procedural penalties?
[Read more…] about Significant AdvantageProper popper attitude
There are some people who have very strong feelings about poppers and calibration challenges. Yes, sometimes competitors feel that the calibration process puts them over a barrel, but the reality is that if ROs are doing their job, then there are very few calibrations and when there are calibrations, the process works fine.
[Read more…] about Proper popper attitudeBut they were unloaded
NROI stresses the importance of not only stating clear start positions in WSBs, but also making sure that competitors are in the proper start position before issuing “Standby” while running competitors. But what about firearm ready conditions?
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