The USPSA rules allow for cardboard targets to be cut to reduce the amount of available scoring area (see, but let’s talk about a few things you need to keep in mind when doing this.
[Read more…] about Slicing and perforatingMagnet mania
Now that magnets are allowed in all divisions for magazine retention, there is still some confusion about magnet use and how many mags can be on one magnet. Let’s look at some common questions and the answers.
[Read more…] about Magnet maniaIntentional grounding
How is your USPSA Multigun rules knowledge? Have you kept up on the recent updates? If you haven’t, you probably got this Question of the Month incorrect. Let’s take a look at the question and the results.
[Read more…] about Intentional groundingNROI Tips – Popper Calibration
Do you know how the popper calibration procedure works? In this NROI Tips video we cover the basics of what you need to know as a competitor and the changes to the calibration challenge procedure.
[Read more…] about NROI Tips – Popper CalibrationIs it a DQ or not?
I think I heard more comments about this Question of the Month during the voting period than any other. This is probably due to the fact that everyone wanted to know what the correct answer is. Well, the wait is over but first let’s review the question.
[Read more…] about Is it a DQ or not?Tactful Tacking
Target changes at major matches need to be efficient and ensure that the target presentation is consistent over the entire match. Adding a new target over a base target is easy for a single target, but can be tricky for target arrays if they are not set up properly from the beginning.
[Read more…] about Tactful TackingA rule versus the best rule
Yes, the rulebook is long. Yes, there are rules that reference other rules. And no, citing any rule that mentions the term is not necessarily the best rule to use. Whether it is during your RO exam or renewal exam, or on the range, citing the correct rule is very important.
[Read more…] about A rule versus the best ruleMatch duties vs. certification level
In a previous post I explained the different certification levels that NROI offers. But now, let’s look at how those certification levels play into the different roles at matches of all levels, and how certification level sometimes doesn’t equal the duties assigned.
[Read more…] about Match duties vs. certification level