Want to learn more about what constitutes significant advantage when using props for support and foot faults? Check out this NROI Tips video:
10.2.1 has multiple parts so let’s do a quick recap of what they cover:
10.2.1 – Says that it is a per occurrence penalty, while taking shots, for foot faults or gaining support on objects completely outside the shooting area. – Says that the per occurrence penalty can be a per shot penalty if there is significant advantage (e.g. better view of targets, more stable shooting position, also see the definition of ‘Significant Advantage’ in Appendix A3). – Says that if a competitor is inside the shooting area and then leaves the shooting area with both feet and proceeds to fire shots outside the shooting area, those are per shot penalties until the competitor re-establishes a presence back in a shooting area (at least one foot in and the other in air). – Is for when the start position is completely outside the shooting area and the competitor forgets to enter the shooting area before firing shots. Then the penalty is per occurrence unless there is a significant advantage.
Want to learn even more? Check out these posts:
When does significant advantage apply? |
Significant Advantage |
Contact and Support – Revisited |
You put one foot in, you put one foot out |