It’s time for another reminder that magazine gauges are a cheap investment to ensure you have legal equipment and don’t end up shooting for no score or in Open Division with a non-Open gun at a major match. Let’s talk about magazine lengths and how to make sure your equipment is in compliance.
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Chassis Based Handgun-PCC Conversions
In the September/October issue of USPSA Magazine, a paragraph in my column noted that a certain type of “chassis conversion” of a handgun to a PCC wasn’t legal. The USPSA Board of Directors disagreed with this decision, and I notified the competitors in question that their particular conversion was legal to use in the PCC division. The article was written and submitted in advance of the discussion and subsequent decision by the board. There was no ruling issued stating that they were illegal in PCC Division. I regret any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused.
Troy McManus
Notes from Nationals
I am writing this post as I sit in the airport waiting for my connecting flight on my way home from the 2024 Open and PCC Nationals. It has been awhile since I worked a stage instead of serving as Range Master and in addition to getting 21,000 steps each day, I also made some observations on a few things competitors can do to help ensure nationals is a good experience for fellow competitors and the staff.
[Read more…] about Notes from NationalsExam Time!
Do you know the ins and outs of the NROI re-certification policies? Here are a few pointers to help enlighten you.
First, always remember that help (no, not that kind of help) is always an email away. Second, yes the test availability will time out after 30 days or so–procrastinators beware! But, no worries, an email to will get your test reset for another 30 days. Once you begin the exam, there is no time limit, so you can answer a few questions and walk away for a bit, then return when it’s convenient for you. Third, you can print the exam and do it on paper, if you prefer analog test taking. I am a pencil and paper guy myself, so I understand. But, you must hit the “print” button before you begin the exam digitally, or else the print function is lost.
The USPSA database will send a reminder out when you have a test available, normally 30 days prior to your NROI certification expiration date. On rare occasions, this doesn’t happen, or it goes to spam or somewhere into the ether. Don’t panic! If you miss the reminder, or simply forget, or life gets in the way and you don’t recertify prior to your expiration date, NROI policy allows for up to 6 months to recertify by taking the short, 20 question exam. After 6 months, the system will revert to the long, 50 question exam, and after a year has passed, will tell you that you must attend a seminar to become recertified. If you think you have an exam due, but didn’t see a reminder, you can check by going to If you have one due, it will be available.
And, we don’t really consider you “expired” as a range official until that year has passed. Even so, if you have been active as an RO within that time period, but just didn’t take the test, we do give a little leeway. Entering the Level II or III matches you worked during that time aids in gaining a little more time on being able to test to recertify rather than attend a seminar.
While taking the exam digitally, note that each question has instructions on how to enter and format the rules citations correctly, and that punctuation counts. The exam is digitally scored, and the system doesn’t overlook a misplaced period or misused comma, dash, or slash. Some machines, (the one I’m on does it), will enter an extra period if you hit the space bar at the end of a rule number. For example, I enter 1.1.5, then hit the space bar, and get 1.1.5., which will be marked incorrect. Again, all is not lost when the computer tells you you failed. Email and I can take a look at your exam and manually grade it. If that’s the problem, then no problem. You will be marked as passed and recertified for another year.
Each question also notes what rules should be used, such as USPSA Competition, or SCSA, or Multigun. A lot of the email I get stating that the rule cited was correct and the computer marked it wrong falls under the “wrong rule set” heading, so be careful. If you are currently USPSA NROI certified and hold an SCSA endorsement, your exam will have 25 questions on it: 20 USPSA and 5 SCSA, and the SCSA will always be the last 5. Same for MG endorsed range officers. Be careful when answering these questions that you are in the right rule book.
Finally, everyone gets three initial attempts at the exam before it’s not available any more. If that happens, email me,, and I will reset the exam for another 3 attempts. If you are having trouble finding answers or rules, email me or, and we will point you in the right direction, but we won’t give you the answer. If you are word searching the digital rule book, go to every rule that the system finds, not just the first one with that word in it. Depending on what the question is asking you, the right rule may not be the first rule you find.
The goal of NROI is to certify and retain certified range officials, so we will do everything we can to make that happen. We want you to pass, and won’t set you up for failure. Help is just an email away.
We’ve all done it. Moving along through life and everything is going our way and suddenly we are landing on the ground not really sure how we got there. All well and good, usually, with nothing more than our pride bruised or maybe a minor scrape. But what if this happens at a match, during a stage, and we are the shooter? DQ? Let’s step back from the dust cloud and look the situation over.
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The September Question of the Month was a picture from an actual local match. Some of the ROs at the match did not agree with how the hit was scored. The target seemed straightforward to me, but if there is confusion it might be worth reviewing what the correct answer is.
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