Foot faults. When is it one foot fault penalty? When is it per shot penalties? There is still some confusion about this rule, so let’s chat about what the rules say about foot faults.
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If clear, hammer down, holster
A question came up at a Level III match earlier this year regarding when a competitor can continue shooting once the Range Officer has started to issue the “If Clear, Hammer Down, Holster” command.
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The Competition Rules, 2019 edition, rule states, in part “… If a retaining strap is permanently attached to a holster or magazine pouch, it must be applied or closed prior to issuance of the “Standby” command.”
[Read more…] about Tension about RetentionThe mysteries of Virginia Count
Love it or hate it, Virginia Count scoring is part of USPSA. Virginia Count (VC) scoring is another way to provide a different shooting challenge by limiting the number of shots at targets versus the Comstock scoring method where competitors can shoot at the targets as many times as they choose. Most people dislike VC simply because they don’t understand how it works, especially when a competitor shoots the stage wrong.
[Read more…] about The mysteries of Virginia CountThrough the looking wall
Some clubs use solid walls that are opaque and can’t be seen through at all, other clubs use walls with snow fence or a mesh that is almost invisible, and some clubs use a mix of both wall types. There are a lot of opinions on which is better for durability, ease of setup/tear down, and for stage difficulty, but there are some unique questions that come up when using the mesh walls.
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Lots of things we do in life require ongoing training to stay up-to-date with the latest tools, techniques, laws, etc. Everyone from folks in the medical field to auto mechanics to pilots and on and on all have to undergo some form of on-going training to receive updates to remain current. Part of that on-going training means staying up-to-date on our own while, often, another part is more formally scheduled as a refresher.
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There is still some confusion about PCC casing and uncasing in relation to where and when it can be done and what can/cannot be done in designated PCC casing/uncasing areas.
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One of the things that is often overlooked when matches run a chronograph stage is the Written Stage Briefing. Chrono is just like any other stage. There is a procedure that needs to be followed and competitors need to be informed as to what that procedure is.
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