One question we get frequently to is around the use of suppressors, or more specifically, why we don’t allow them. Most of the time the person sending the query is upset that we are infringing on their rights. Nothing could be further from the truth.
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QOTM Virginia Count Redux
It seems that the Question of the Month caused some consternation and discussion around the proper application of penalties in this example. First, keep in mind that this blog and the discussions and questions posed here DO NOT represent any official rulings or interpretations. They are simply designed to generate conversation and to inform and educate. We never said we were right all the time, and in some cases, given a good enough argument (despite the apparent urge to issue penalties because the competitor “just didn’t do right”), can change our minds. NROI is always happy to entertain different opinions, but we don’t crowd-source the answers off social media or other forums. Almost all of these items come from actual match happenings: we can’t make this stuff up…
[Read more…] about QOTM Virginia Count ReduxHow The Sausage Is Made
Otto von Bismarck said, “Laws are like sausages. It’s better not to see them being made.” While “rules” may be substituted for “laws” in USPSA, here’s a little insight into the process used for the recent rules audit and other rules proposals.
[Read more…] about How The Sausage Is MadeGoing to DQ
There is an old saying in our sport: “There are those that have DQ’d and those that will DQ.” It’s true, as near as I can tell. I made it almost eight years before my first called DQ. I actually SHOULD have been DQ’d at my second match and several more times along the way but I was not. Let’s talk about this whole disqualification thing and why I made it eight years (and ended up calling the DQ on myself, by the way).
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A recent post about scoring when a squib occurs brought up another question that several range officers asked. Since a squib is not considered a shot because the bullet didn’t pass completely through the barrel of the firearm, is it a disqualification if a competitor has an accidental discharge that turns out to be a squib?
[Read more…] about Squibs and Accidental DischargesThe Fix is In (Fixed Time, that is)
One of the potential new Classifiers, 22-05, is a fixed time stage. Many don’t understand that Fixed Time Scoring is simply Virginia Count (limited number of shots allowed, specific number of hits per target allowed) with a limited time to shoot in.
[Read more…] about The Fix is In (Fixed Time, that is)Arbitration basics
USPSA matches allow for competitors to challenge scoring and penalty calls and a couple other things, but there is a process. The goal of this post is to provide some basic information to both range officials and competitors about how arbitration works. Arbitrations rarely occur, but everyone needs to know how the process works for when it does happen.
[Read more…] about Arbitration basicsCertified Ammunition Do’s and Don’ts
USPSA has had a certified ammunition program in some form for quite some time. See rule 5.8 in the 2021 USPSA Competition Rules. Currently, there are 9 approved vendors who can supply certified ammunition in almost every caliber common to a USPSA match, from PCC-specific ammunition to fodder for Open guns. But, what happens if you choose to use certified ammunition?
[Read more…] about Certified Ammunition Do’s and Don’ts