Often, my ideas for posts come from questions asked at matches. This particular question came up at two separate matches over the last couple weeks. What happens if a PCC competitor comes to the line without a chamber flag? We are not talking about someone who had a flag in and removed it, we are talking about a competitor who uncased a PCC and came directly to the line without a flag. What is the call? Both times it was brought up, the ROs thought it would be a DQ, but is it? Let’s look at what the rules say.
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Unpasted targets and you
What to do if unpasted targets are noticed during the course of fire is one of the things that is often misunderstood by competitors and range officers, especially at local matches. Often at local matches, the competitor stops or the RO stops the competitor and a reshoot is issued after the target or targets are taped. But, that is the wrong thing to do and often leads to a painful learning experience for a competitor at a higher level match. Let’s look at what a competitor and RO should do, and not do, when they see an unpasted target during the course of fire.
[Read more…] about Unpasted targets and youSpeed Shoot Tips
As many course designers and match directors know, the Speed Shoot type of stage is useful for testing reloading and strong- or weak-hand skills in a fast, easily set up and defined course of fire. Rule number sets the parameters for a speed shoot in detail, but it’s basically a course of fire of no more than 16 rounds, with a mandatory reload after 8 rounds, shot on two different arrays of targets. An array is defined as “a grouping of more than one target”. Arrays can be engaged in any order, as can targets within an array, and only one reload may be required. Competitors are free to reload if need be, however, as long as the mandatory reload is performed when required. Speed Shoots may be scored using either Comstock or Virginia count scoring.
[Read more…] about Speed Shoot TipsIs that a laser trainer in your chamber?

Or are you just excited to shoot the stage? With the ammo shortage, I am sure everyone is getting more dry fire time, and many people use laser trainers or snap caps. But what if this happens at the match: “You are the RO and you give the competitor the ‘Make Ready’ command. The competitor inserts a magazine, racks the slide, but can’t seem to get a round to chamber. The competitor drops the magazine and locks back the slide. You see a laser trainer cartridge in the chamber. What is your call as the RO?”
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