Now and then we get a query from folks who are confused about something they saw recently at a match, perhaps at a club they have never shot with before, and they are wondering if what they saw was right and proper. The most recent of these inquired regarding early scoring and the job of the “second RO”. Let’s dive in.
[Read more…] about Two ROs, Scoring, & the RulesArchives for April 2021
6.2 & You
Just about every sport I can think of, especially the shooting sports, breaks competitors down by Division (or something like it) based on equipment used and by Class (or something like it) based on experience/ability/demonstrated skill level, etc. USPSA and SCSA are no different.
[Read more…] about 6.2 & YouHolster Position Redux
In a previous post, I explained that, while the position on the belt requirement (behind the point of the hips for Production, Single Stack, and Carry Optics) has been removed, the requirements in all divisions, yes, even Open and Limited, for the height to belt and distance from the belt have not changed. This is found in all the appendices, D1-D8, item #10. Here’s the text of the previous article:
[Read more…] about Holster Position ReduxStart position equity
Even though PCC is now a normal part of USPSA Competition matches, we still get the occasional questions about PCC start positions and ready conditions in relation to handgun divisions. Yes, PCC competitors only compete against other PCC competitors, but that doesn’t mean that the PCC start position and ready condition can be completely different than the handgun divisions.
[Read more…] about Start position equityWhich hit was it?

For this Question of the Month we posed a scoring question: The RO watches the shooter engage the target in the picture and sees the first shot travel through the mesh wall on the left, and the subsequent two shots clear the wall edge. The RO did not see where the first shot hit the target, nor is there evidence on the target to determine which shot went through the mesh. The target has three holes: one Alpha and two Charlie. How do you score the target?
[Read more…] about Which hit was it?New Popper Announced
Generally, we do not use the NROI blog space to do product announcements or endorsements but this product is different, very different, and we would be Fools if we didn’t avail ourselves of the opportunity to showcase this amazing new product.
[Read more…] about New Popper Announced