New rules recently approved by the USPSA Board of Directors allow for the use of digital evidence, i.e, video, photo, audio, even information from apps such as the PractiScore competitor app, to appeal a call. Competitors can appeal procedural penalties and disqualifications using digital evidence.
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New Rules Released
TroyMcManus, DNROI
USPSA published the board approved rule sets for Competition; Rifle, Shotgun, and Multigun; and Steel Challenge Shooting Association on February 3rd, 2025. NROI training materials and test questions have been updated to reflect the new rules.
[Read more…] about New Rules ReleasedCertified Ammunition
With the 2024 shooting season coming to a close, and the 2025 season not warming up yet (see, because it’s winter, and cold, “not warming up yet”), I thought it might be helpful in planning to publish some information on USPSA’s Certified Ammunition Program.
[Read more…] about Certified AmmunitionChassis Based Handgun-PCC Conversions
In the September/October issue of USPSA Magazine, a paragraph in my column noted that a certain type of “chassis conversion” of a handgun to a PCC wasn’t legal. The USPSA Board of Directors disagreed with this decision, and I notified the competitors in question that their particular conversion was legal to use in the PCC division. The article was written and submitted in advance of the discussion and subsequent decision by the board. There was no ruling issued stating that they were illegal in PCC Division. I regret any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused.
Troy McManus
Three new rulings have been approved by the USPSA Board of Directors and will affect all disciplines: Competition Rules, Multigun Rules, and SCSA Rules.
[Read more…] about NEW RULINGSSafeties and You
There have recently been a couple of incidents of people discharging their firearm in the holster, either while holstering or while drawing. This is a serious safety problem and is basically negligence on the part of the competitor for failing to engage the safety or disengaging it early.
[Read more…] about Safeties and YouFailure (to paint) Is Not An Option
I got an email the other day from a member, asking if not painting at level one was an option. Because he didn’t mention what discipline, I told him level one matches were exempt from painting but that it’s strongly recommended that steel get painted between hits even though the rules don’t require it. He also informed me that his entire squad had been told to leave by the match director because they didn’t want to paint. I thought that was a little extreme, but to each his own, I suppose, and thinking about it, I can see the reasoning behind it.
[Read more…] about Failure (to paint) Is Not An OptionQuadriceps Retention Devices (Thigh Straps)
At the January USPSA Board of Directors meeting, the proposed changes to the USPSA Competition, USPSA Rifle, Shotgun and Multigun, and Steel Challenge Shooting Association rules were approved by the board. These member-driven changes went into effect on February 29, 2024.
[Read more…] about Quadriceps Retention Devices (Thigh Straps)