The August Question of the Month was based on a question we received, and obviously needed some clarification based on the poll results. Let’s look more closely at where a competitor needs to be when the ‘Make ready’ command is given.
At SCSA matches, does the competitor have to be in the shooting box before the RO gives the ‘Make ready’ command?
I was honestly shocked at how close this was, but maybe this is not something we have appropriately addressed in our RO courses because I also got a similar question about a USPSA match too (more on that one at the end). For now, let’s focus on SCSA. At SCSA matches, the stages have a shooting box with a table or barrel nearby. Usually the table or barrel is easily reached from the box, but not always. And remember that SCSA competitors come in variety of ages, so some have shorter arms than others. Which means some competitors may need to step out of the box to be able to open their gun case or grab a magazine. So it might be more efficient to stand partially or completely outside the box at ‘Make ready’ to be in a better position to open a rifle case.

Now, I am sure some of you are saying, “But what do the rules say?” Let’s look at a few of those. First, let’s look at 8.3.1: ‘“Make ready” Under the direct supervision of the Range Officer, the competitor must face down range and prepare their firearm. The competitor must then assume the required start position. At this point, the Range Officer will proceed. This command signifies the start of the course of fire.’ 8.3.1 says nothing about the competitor needing to be inside the box before it is said, nor does it require the competitor to do these actions inside the boundaries of the box.
And no, says nothing about a box and staying in it: ‘The “make ready” command signifies the start of the competitor’s attempt at the stage or course of fire. Once the “make ready” command has been given, the competitor must not move away from the start location without the prior approval, and under the direct supervision, of the Range Officer. Box to box movement on Outer Limits is permitted.’ just says the start location. And as a RO, you are standing right there supervising the competitor so inside or outside the box does not matter.
The only time the box is mentioned is when 8.2.1 defines the start position: ‘The start position is standing within the box. When the competitor is ready, they will assume the required start position to indicate their readiness to the Range Officer. The competitor must remain still and in the appropriate position until the start signal.’ This means the competitor just needs to be in the box before the command “Are you ready?”
Taking all of these rules together, there is no rule that requires the competitor to be standing in the box at ‘Make ready’. The competitor just needs to be under RO supervision and the RO controls that through the range commands. So if a competitor is standing behind the barrel, outside the box, go ahead and give the ‘Make ready’ command when the range is clear. There is no need to have the competitor step into the shooting box before the command.
Same goes for USPSA. While we have designated start positions, that doesn’t mean that is also automatically the place for the competitor to make ready. If the start position does not have a view of targets, competitors can chose to make ready at a different location to allow for a sight picture. It’s not a big deal. The competitor should let the RO know and the RO should join the competitor at the other location and commence with the range commands as normal. The competitor will prepare the firearm and then move to the start position all under RO supervision. Work with the competitors during the make ready process, not against them.
Make sure to cast your vote in the current Question of the Month.