PCC competitors have slightly different gun handling rules compared to the handgun divisions where firearms are holstered. If a handgun competitor has a false start after moving downrange, they simply reload if needed and re-holster and return to the start position. But what if it is a PCC competitor? Do they have to unload? Do they have to stay facing downrange? Let’s see what everyone thought for this Question of the Month.
PCC competitor leaves the start position after Stand By but before the beep and moves downrange resulting in a False Start. RO calls stop, tells competitor it was a False Start and to return to the start position. Competitor puts PCC on safe, turns it muzzle down, faces uprange and starts walking back to the start position. The RO stops him because he is surprised by the competitors actions. After stopping the competitor the RO mulls over the following options. Which one is the best answer?
The best answer for this question is ‘DQ, if the muzzle of the PCC broke the 180.’ If no other safety rules were broken, then the competitor is fine. But let’s address why and also some comments we received while the question was open for votes.
First, it is hard to tell from the picture if the muzzle is past the 180. But for this exercise we are assuming it is not because this was a staged picture just for this question. And yes, this question was inspired by something that happened at a local match. As long as the PCC is on safe and the muzzle is not breaking the 180 and no sweeping is occurring, the competitor can face uprange as he returns to the start position.
But there is a rule that says PCC competitors can never face uprange! Is there? I bet some of you are looking at as the rule that supports a DQ for that, but that is not what that rule says. It specifically is talking about competitor ready positions: “Start positions may not require the competitor to start facing uprange while holding the carbine.” Basically it only applies to the start position, and that the WSB can’t require PCC competitors to face uprange.
We also had comments sent in stating that the RO must unload the PCC competitor before having him return to the start position. Again, which rule supports that? Do we require handgun competitors to do that? The PCC competitor is allowed to have a loaded firearm as long as he is under RO supervision, so there is no requirement to unload since he is still under RO supervision. Even if there are some targets that need reset before the competitor can be restarted, if the RO has the PCC competitor keep the muzzle pointed up and stands next to the competitor as others fix the targets that is okay.
Remember that PCC is not a crime, it just has slightly different rules. And remember to vote in the current Question of the Month poll.