We had another picture based scoring question in February. This picture was actually taken at a RO seminar. How many of you got it right? Let’s find out!

Best two hits per target will score. Competitor shot at the target twice. How do you score this target?
No matter what you answered, we all agreed on the one hit being a Charlie. But what about the other hole that is near the upper A-zone and has the bullet still lodged in it? Does that score?
The rule that applies here is 9.5.9: Hits upon scoring or no-shoot cardboard targets, must completely pass through the target to be considered a valid hit and count for score or penalty.
This means if the bullet doesn’t have enough power to pass through the cardboard target, then it doesn’t score. Which means the correct answer is Charlie, Mike. The round probably had a very light powder charge and as a result the bullet just didn’t have enough velocity to fully penetrate the cardboard. And no, you can’t pull the bullet out or push it through to score it. The bullet needs to make a hole that daylight can be seen through to score. If you want to see a previous question that deals with an interesting hit on a drop turner, check out this post.
Remember to vote in the current Question of the Month poll.