As we have mentioned on the podcast, the NROI Blog has readers from around the world. The picture for this Question of the Month was contributed by one of our readers from France. It’s rare to get a picture of a bullet lodged in a target so we thought it would be a perfect picture to ask about scoring.
The stage was scored Comstock, best 2 hits per target. How would you score this target?

Okay, we are obviously asking about the bullet that is stuck in the no-shoot. Does that score as a hit? First, let’s talk about rule 9.5.9: Hits upon scoring or no-shoot cardboard targets, must completely pass through the target to be considered a valid hit and count for score or penalty.
That bullet did NOT pass completely through the target. Bullets need to make a hole that we can see daylight through, and not be in the hole blocking the light. Which means that it cannot count for score or penalty. The correct score for this target is Alpha, Charlie.
Remember to cast your vote in the current Question of the Month!