The recent post about getting RM approval to swap a broken or unreliable firearm brought up a few follow-up questions. Let’s look at those questions and answers.
[Read more…] about Gun swap Q & ARules Q&A
Flashlights, Magnets, and Hip Bones
Recently, the USPSA Board of Directors made some changes to the rules involving the use of Weapon Mounted Lights, or WML’s, magnetic retention of magazines, and the location of holsters and magazine pouches. We’ve been getting a lot of questions about this, so here are some answers.
[Read more…] about Flashlights, Magnets, and Hip BonesMagnet use in CO/PROD/SS
The scenario in question: CO shooter has magnet on front of belt, uses it to retain a magazine during the entire day, including at ‘Make ready.’ Between the ‘Standby’ and ‘If clear, hammer down and holster’ commands, the magnet is not used. However, sometimes the shooter uses the magnet at ‘Unload and show clear.’ Is there a violation prompting them to be bumped to Open?
[Read more…] about Magnet use in CO/PROD/SSWhat makes a wall, a wall?
We see all sorts of walls in USPSA matches. In our sport, walls are used to obscure targets, control the competitor’s view of targets from other positions, to control competitor movement, and to define a shooting area. We see solid walls, see-through walls, walls that start on the ground, and walls that have gaps underneath. But what is considered a wall per the rules?
[Read more…] about What makes a wall, a wall?Make Ready….Wait, get back here!
Here is a question that was submitted to this site: “Rule 8.7.1 does not specify what the penalty is for moving away more than one step from the make ready position while taking a sight picture. So a competitor steps up, shuffles 3 -4 steps over and takes a sight picture, I then move him back, BUT is there a penalty?”
[Read more…] about Make Ready….Wait, get back here!FTSA/FTE in Multiple Strings
Q: Are FTSA penalties supposed to be assessed per string or for the stage as a whole? For example, if a competitor suffers a stage-ending malfunction during the second string of a classifier, do they get FTSA penalties (because some targets were not shot at during the second string) or not (because the targets were all shot at at some point during the course of fire as a whole)?
[Read more…] about FTSA/FTE in Multiple StringsSergeant Safe Area’s Lonely Gun Club Band
Here’s the question:
At a recent match a female competitor was scolded by the range master and told she could be disqualified for leaving an unloaded holstered pistol in her belt with no ammunition present on/in the safety area while she used the facilities (port-a-john). As a Range Officer, I see no rule to substantiate the RM’s claim. I spoke with the match director and he said it was a grey area. This needs to be addressed as more female shooters join our sport and must remove their gear before using the facilities. (My note: guys need to do this at times, too.)
[Read more…] about Sergeant Safe Area’s Lonely Gun Club BandFree Fallin’
Another question from this week’s batch of email:
“At a recent match after a competitor was instructed to show clear, hammer down and holster, the shooter dropped his gun on the re-holster. The shooter was not disqualified for this. I have seen this same situation happen when the shooter has been disqualified. I was under the assumption that the range is still hot until the command, Range is clear has been made and if a competitor drops a gun during a hot range it is a disqualification unless the command of range is clear has been made (sic). Could you help clarify this for me please.”
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