There is an old saying “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should”. This applies to most things in life and stage design is one of those areas. Let’s dig in a little bit and discuss how this applies to stage design.
[Read more…] about Ethics and Stage DesignA Matter of Principles
Open up the USPSA Competition Rules and the first thing you are presented with are the eight “Principles of USPSA Competition”. These have remained largely unchanged over time and are the guideposts of our sport. Yet, I’d wager that most everyone that opens up the rule book goes right on by without ever taking time to read them. So, let’s take a look at these. Get out your rulebook and follow along.
[Read more…] about A Matter of PrinciplesNon-Target Steel
For the June 2021 Question of the Month, we asked a question about a competitor hitting steel that was not itself a target and what, if anything, the RO should do.
[Read more…] about Non-Target SteelTwo ROs, Scoring, & the Rules
Now and then we get a query from folks who are confused about something they saw recently at a match, perhaps at a club they have never shot with before, and they are wondering if what they saw was right and proper. The most recent of these inquired regarding early scoring and the job of the “second RO”. Let’s dive in.
[Read more…] about Two ROs, Scoring, & the Rules6.2 & You
Just about every sport I can think of, especially the shooting sports, breaks competitors down by Division (or something like it) based on equipment used and by Class (or something like it) based on experience/ability/demonstrated skill level, etc. USPSA and SCSA are no different.
[Read more…] about 6.2 & YouNew Popper Announced
Generally, we do not use the NROI blog space to do product announcements or endorsements but this product is different, very different, and we would be Fools if we didn’t avail ourselves of the opportunity to showcase this amazing new product.
[Read more…] about New Popper AnnouncedCoaching the Nascent RO
It is somewhat rare to have a student in a Level 1 Range Officer course who is an active competitor that hasn’t taken a turn “on the timer” working as an RO at their local club matches. I still remember, vividly, the first time someone handed me the timer (Hi Guy Neill!). I survived and so did everyone else. But I quickly realized I needed to get busy with learning what this whole RO thing was about. Pre-RO Seminar experience is quite valuable and greatly aids someone as a student in an RO class by giving them a solid point of reference to build from. However, it can be just as detrimental to their success as a student and RO. This is largely dependent upon the quality of coaching, intentional or otherwise, the RO-to-be gets at the local match level.
[Read more…] about Coaching the Nascent ROStopping for Safety
Ah Winter…for some it’s a non-event; for others it’s an experiment in battling the elements to keep on enjoying our sport. It’s the season where movement can include dealing with consistently slippery conditions and the inevitable slips and falls by competitors and staff. While we are discussing this all within the context of “Winter” and all the joyous ice and snow that comes with it; the same realities apply everywhere and at any time of year.
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