For the month of June, we asked a simple true or false question about competitor belts: A competitor’s belt must be secured at the waist with three belt loops. The results were surprising, the majority was actually incorrect this time. The correct answer is “False”.
[Read more…] about When is a belt securely fixed?Does chrono need a WSB?
One of the things that is often overlooked when matches run a chronograph stage is the Written Stage Briefing. Chrono is just like any other stage. There is a procedure that needs to be followed and competitors need to be informed as to what that procedure is.
[Read more…] about Does chrono need a WSB?DQs are hard for ROs too
You have heard the saying: “There are two types of shooters. Ones that have DQ’d and those who will DQ.” Well, this is true for ROs too: “There are two types of ROs. Those who have DQ’d a shooter and those who will DQ a shooter.”
[Read more…] about DQs are hard for ROs tooLegal No-Shoot Presentation
You see it at matches all the time, the lone no-shoot placed on a wall in hopes of preventing the needless perforation of the wall edge with holes. But, is there a proper way to use a no-shoot on a wall edge? That brings us to the May Question of the Month: When using a no-shoot on a wall, can you bend the no-shoot around the wall edge?
[Read more…] about Legal No-Shoot PresentationTo WSB, or not to WSB…
Okay, this really isn’t a question. We always need to have a Written Stage Briefing (WSB) for each stage at a match. But I have noticed that there is some confusion about what a WSB is and what information is in the WSB.
[Read more…] about To WSB, or not to WSB…A stage plan…to RO?
As competitors we always talk about stage plans: Where we will move to, when we will reload, the order of target engagement. The mental planning helps when it comes time to actually shoot the stage. But very seldom do we actually look at the stage from the RO perspective until we are handed the timer, and often it isn’t until the shooter is about to run us over that we realize that the stage is trickier to RO than we thought.
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USPSA and NROI are teaming up with Shooting USA to produce a series of short videos that will cover a variety of rules related topics and other pointers that will help match directors, range officials, and competitors further understand our sport and produce quality matches.
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I will admit, it sometimes is hard to keep all the different division equipment rules straight, we do have eight divisions now. But fortunately, we have a rulebook that outlines the requirements for each one in Appendix D. Yeah, some of the divisions use a single page and others span numerous pages, but all the information is there…you just have to look.
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