New rules recently approved by the USPSA Board of Directors allow for the use of digital evidence, i.e, video, photo, audio, even information from apps such as the PractiScore competitor app, to appeal a call. Competitors can appeal procedural penalties and disqualifications using digital evidence.
[Read more…] about Digital EvidenceArchives for February 2025
But I don’t want to be the bad guy
Being a Range Officer has a responsibility associated with it, namely enforcing the rules. Which not only requires knowledge of the rules, but also the guts to apply the rules. Applying the rules is often what some ROs struggle with so let’s discuss why that is and why we should not be afraid to apply the rules when needed.
[Read more…] about But I don’t want to be the bad guyNew Rules Released
TroyMcManus, DNROI
USPSA published the board approved rule sets for Competition; Rifle, Shotgun, and Multigun; and Steel Challenge Shooting Association on February 3rd, 2025. NROI training materials and test questions have been updated to reflect the new rules.
[Read more…] about New Rules ReleasedWhen is an AD, an AD?
Our rulebook has a whole section that deals with disqualifications from accidental discharges, but when is it an AD and when is it not? Let’s take a closer look in this Question of the Month.
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