Another thing we get asked a lot about is rule That is the rule that says a holster is illegal if the heel of the butt of the handgun is below the top of the belt.
What is the heel of the butt of the handgun? You mean you don’t know where that is on your pistol? The heel is on the butt of the handgun, duh! Yeah, don’t feel bad, it’s something everyone asks about.

The heel of the butt of the handgun is the lower, backside edge of the grip. In the picture below, the arrow points to the heel. If there was a magwell on this pistol, the heel would be in the same place and the magwell does not count.

For all handgun divisions, the heel of the butt of the handgun cannot be below the top of the belt. It can be even with, but not below. If you as a RO notice that the handgun is too low, ask the competitor to fix it before they shoot the stage. The rules state that competitors must not be allowed to shoot a stage with a holster that is out of compliance.