What do you take to the range when you’re scheduled to work a major match? Heck, even for a level one? A good “possibles” bag can make your day as a range officer.
A recent inventory of my RO bag found these items: A stapler and a box of 9/16” staples, a 12” long brass squib rod, a 2 lb. hammer with a short handle (so it will fit the bag), two 3/4” combination wrenches (most poppers use 3/4” nuts or bolt heads), two 10” Crescent™ wrenches, Channellock™ pliers, linesmans pliers, 50 feet of 550 cord, two 10” spikes, sunscreen, bug spray, lens wipes, overlays, disposable ear plugs, cheap safety glasses, WD-40™, zip ties, a couple of carabiners, a multi-tool, a cigar cutter (duh) and a cigar lighter (duh, again). I also usually add a couple of Band-Aids, and some friction tape, but they aren’t left in the bag.
It’s not a big bag, so everything has to fit just right, but it’s come in handy many times, and won’t be overweight if you are flying and need to check it.