It used to be that all ROs were taught to align targets perf to perf. In fact many of the Classifiers are that way and still need to be setup that way, but now we are encouraging ROs to align edge to perf.
Why the change? Have you ever setup a stage and took the time in the morning to align those perfs perfectly, but by time your squad shoots the stage in the afternoon sun, you notice that the perfs don’t align anymore? We have observed that white and brown cardboard targets expand and contract at different rates in the heat of the sun and as a result, keeping those perfs lined up is challenging. And, this difference in alignment can lead to varying scoring calls depending on when the stage was shot. How to keep the scoring issues down? Try aligning targets edge to perf instead.

Like I said earlier, when the Classifier setup directions say perf to perf, you need to setup the targets that way. But, you will notice in most of the 18 and 19 series Classifiers, they say edge to perf. This is to help eliminate scoring issues due to targets expanding in the sun. And don’t be afraid to line targets up edge to perf on non-Classifier stages.
How does edge to perf simplify scoring? Remember rule The rule that says: “…the scoring areas of scoring targets and no-shoots are impenetrable. Whenever two targets (scoring and/or no-shoots) are in direct contact where one target directly overlaps part of another target, the area of the “under” target which is directly covered by the scoring area of the “over” target and its perforations is deemed to be non-existent.”

In other words, anything under the scoring area and perforations of a top target, or no-shoot, doesn’t exist on the bottom target. In the above picture, the scoring area of the no-shoot is the whole target excluding the non-scoring border. The portion of the scoring target under the non-scoring border of the no-shoot exists, but the portion of the scoring target underneath the scoring portion of the no-shoot doesn’t exist. So in this picture, since the edge of the head of the no-shoot is aligned to the left perf of the A-zone, there is a sliver of A-zone on the bottom target behind the no-shoot non-scoring border. Which means if there is a hit that touches the perf of the no-shoot on that left side, in addition to the no-shoot penalty, it will also score as an Alpha. If the targets were aligned perf to perf, then it would always be a Charlie (and a no-shoot)…until the targets expanded in the sun and the perfs were no longer properly aligned…see the problem?
This is why we are now encouraging stage designers and setup crews to use edge to perf, except on the Classifiers that specify perf to perf. And, on stages that use perf to perf, you might have to adjust target alignment between squads on those sunny days to keep the target presentation consistent.