New rules recently approved by the USPSA Board of Directors allow for the use of digital evidence, i.e, video, photo, audio, even information from apps such as the PractiScore competitor app, to appeal a call. Competitors can appeal procedural penalties and disqualifications using digital evidence.
[Read more…] about Digital EvidenceRules Q&A
USPSA Certified Ammunition
Just a reminder about the USPSA Certified Ammunition Program, and what should be happening at matches where people are using certified ammo. Level II and III are where you’ll see it, but it can be used at Level I if there is a chrono station.
[Read more…] about USPSA Certified AmmunitionSteel Challenge Q&A
Over the last couple months, we have received the same questions from multiple members about a few SCSA topics. We have learned that if multiple people from different clubs are asking the same thing, it probably needs to be discussed with the larger audience as well.
[Read more…] about Steel Challenge Q&AUsing the correct rule matters
We often get questions related to certification and renewal exams or even about calls made at matches and why a certain rule applies versus another. Or why one can’t cite a general section of the rulebook and use that to support the penalty or scoring call being made. The short answer is that you need to use the best rule to address the situation. The long answer is all the reasons below.
[Read more…] about Using the correct rule mattersCompetitor Equipment Failure
Our rulebook talks about range equipment failure and what to do when that happens. The rulebook also covers when the firearm breaks or the ammunition has issues (squibs). But what happens when other competitor equipment fails?
[Read more…] about Competitor Equipment FailureAs long as the safety is on
I think I said that phrase to almost every squad at 2-gun nationals in response to the question as to whether they could re-holster their loaded pistol during the stage. But this also applies to a couple situations in USPSA Competition matches as well. Let’s talk about those.
[Read more…] about As long as the safety is onMagnet mania
Now that magnets are allowed in all divisions for magazine retention, there is still some confusion about magnet use and how many mags can be on one magnet. Let’s look at some common questions and the answers.
[Read more…] about Magnet maniaDropped guns
When is a firearm considered to be a ‘dropped gun’? We often get many ‘What if…’ questions related to this rule, so let’s look at a few of the common ones and how the rules relate.
[Read more…] about Dropped guns