New rules recently approved by the USPSA Board of Directors allow for the use of digital evidence, i.e, video, photo, audio, even information from apps such as the PractiScore competitor app, to appeal a call. Competitors can appeal procedural penalties and disqualifications using digital evidence.
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New Rules Released
TroyMcManus, DNROI
USPSA published the board approved rule sets for Competition; Rifle, Shotgun, and Multigun; and Steel Challenge Shooting Association on February 3rd, 2025. NROI training materials and test questions have been updated to reflect the new rules.
[Read more…] about New Rules ReleasedMutual Consent and Rule 9.7.4
I have been involved in several events recently involving rule 9.7.4 and the subject of mutual consent, and feel this deserves some attention (it has certainly gotten a lot of my attention at recent matches).
[Read more…] about Mutual Consent and Rule 9.7.4Interference/Assistance/”Coaching”
One of the rarer calls that is made at major matches is that of Interference, or Assistance, or more commonly called as “Coaching”, as defined in 8.6. For Level 1 matches, we have which allows for coaching for competitors with Range Officer approval. But what constitutes each of these? Which ones can be penalized? Who gets the penalty, if any? Let’s dive in.
[Read more…] about Interference/Assistance/”Coaching”Extra deep mag extensions
While the easiest way to measure magazine lengths is with the official USPSA magazine gauge made by EGW, the rulebook does offer an alternative method using a ruler in Appendix E1. But why? Well, because sometimes magazine base pad extensions are shaped differently enough to cause issues.
[Read more…] about Extra deep mag extensionsWall hits and scoring
We have received some questions recently about how to score hits that have partially or completely passed through hardcover (walls and barrels). So let’s talk about how to score those hits or determine when it is a reshoot.
[Read more…] about Wall hits and scoringWhy Does the Rulebook Keep Growing?
I get this question sometimes—on the range or via email. The answer is because competitors keep pushing the envelope. Almost 90% of the DQ and procedural rules, along with the equipment rules, have come about due to competitor actions.
[Read more…] about Why Does the Rulebook Keep Growing?Match Preparation or Not (Oops!)
I just got back from the Carry Optics Nationals and again the chronograph stage became the place where people’s match crashed and burned. Ending up shooting for no score (sub-minor) or being put in Open because your equipment failed testing should not happen but does.
[Read more…] about Match Preparation or Not (Oops!)